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推动四川省农业产业化的战略措施探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者分析了四川省围绕农业办工业的必要性和存在的问题,以及围绕农业办工业的思路、原则、目标和重点,提出了围绕农业办工业,推动农业产业化的对策措施。  相似文献   
扶贫工作是党中央、国务院的一项重要战略部署,是保障贫困户合法权益的一种社会工作。在专项扶贫、行业扶贫和社会扶贫“三位一体”扶贫开发格局中,林业是行业扶贫的重要力量之一。文章从林业科技推广、林业产业项目、林业政策支持等方面回顾了睢宁县林业助力扶贫开展的重点工作及取得的成效。  相似文献   
中国竹产业协会竹产业装备分会成立于2021年12月10日,是由从事竹装备生产、加工、贸易、科研、教学和管理的单位和个人自愿组成的全国性非营利行业社会组织,现有会员单位51家。分会宗旨是推动机械装备与竹产业升级融合,服务政府、企业和用户,促进竹产业发展。文章总结了竹产业装备分会在创新管理机制,构建合作平台,探索发展新路径方面所开展的工作,并规划了下一步的工作重点,即科学决策,联合攻关,树立竹装备品牌。  相似文献   
企业选择进入工业园区的根本原因在于能获得园区外企业所不具备的资源配置优势。工业园区生产性服务业发展促进了园区企业的外部资源获取,能够监测园区企业所获取的资源质量,并保证园区企业从外部获取资源的长效性。我国工业园区应着力完善生产性服务业和制造业互动模式,政府应创造良好的园区硬环境和软环境。  相似文献   
文化创意产业的兴起是知识化、信息化和全球化的结果,被赋予了许多新的使命,它具有高固定成本投入与低再生产与复制成本、需求的不确定性等经济与政治属性。围绕“创意→ 投入 →生产 →销售→最终消费者购买”这一基本产业链过程,逐渐形成了一个融合市场、科层和网络治理机制的组织网络。这一网络围绕文化产业链、生态和政治与地理空间的展开会有更为具体的网络形态,并形成多级网络构成。  相似文献   
Urban and community forestry is an increasingly integral component enhancing the well-being of urban places. Along with providing aesthetic benefits and other critical ecosystem services, urban forestry contributes to local and regional economies by supporting jobs and economic activities through various businesses and industries. In this study, we estimated the economic contribution of urban forestry to the regional economy in terms of several economic and business metrics including jobs, labor income, value-added, and tax collections. To this end, we developed an extensive scope of urban forest industries and activities incorporating all private, public, and non-profit businesses and organizations involved in urban forestry in the Northeastern and Midwest states. Results from the input-output modeling suggest that in 2018, urban forestry in the Northeastern and Midwest states directly contributed $17.6 billion in industry output and $13.5 billion in value-added by supporting about 258,550 full- and part-time jobs in various businesses and activities. Including direct, indirect, and induced effects, urban forestry in the region had a total contribution of $34.7 billion in industry output to the regional economy, employing more than 357,200 people with a payroll of about $16 billion. These numbers are crucial to highlight the economic significance of urban forestry businesses and agencies as well as to educate the public, economic development professionals, and legislators about the importance of urban and community forestry in the Northeastern and Midwest states.  相似文献   
Safflower is widely cultivated and used as a dual-purpose medicinal oil worldwide. This research used the incoPat patent database to search the global safflower patents for nearly 20 years, aiming to reveal the development process and current situation of the safflower industry in China and around the world by analyzing patent application trends, patent technology characteristics, advantageous industries and regions, patent quality, etc. The analysis shows that safflower patent applications are generally increasing, and the period 2010-2016 is characterized by the rapid development of patent applications. The technical features of global patents are mainly concentrated in pharmaceutical preparations, cosmetics, food and health care, various beverages, animal feed, safflower cultivation and harvesting equipment, and safflower seed oil. During the rapid development of patent applications, safflower was further developed in cosmetics, edible oil, and harvesting equipment. In addition, patent applications in rheumatism and bone diseases have increased, with the potential for development. China is the leading region for researching and developing medicinal safflower patents, especially Shandong and Henan provinces. Foreign patents are more focused on the value development of safflower seed oil in food and chemicals. Compared to the major countries and organizations that apply for safflower patents on a global scale, the quality of Chinese safflower patents is medium, and more awareness of patent protection is required. This paper provides suggestions for the subsequent development of the safflower industry, summarizes and analyzes the development trend of safflower patents, and provides new ideas to obtain innovative patent results.  相似文献   
为切实推动巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果与全面推进乡村振兴有效衔接,加快构建和完善现代丝路寒旱农业产业体系,通过查阅文献、报告、年鉴资料等方法,对皋兰县马铃薯产业结构现状、发展目标、当前产业布局以及马铃薯产业发展中存在的问题进行了分析。提出了加快良种繁育体系及产品质量监测体系建设、大力推广马铃薯生产作业机械化、加快马铃薯标准化种植基地建设、做实合作社等新型经营主体、加强市场流通体系、促进马铃薯产业精深加工、加大马铃薯贮藏设施建设、扩大马铃薯产业保险覆盖面等对策建议。  相似文献   
近年来,我国蔬菜生产逐渐向产业化、专业化、规模化转变,连作障碍、次生盐渍化、土传病害、土壤酸化板结等问题日益严重。嫁接不但能保持接穗的性能,同时还能将砧木的特性发挥出来,提高蔬菜作物抗病抗逆能力,有效提高蔬菜品质和产量。本文介绍了几种常见的蔬菜嫁接方法,并对蔬菜嫁接技术的发展前景进行了分析  相似文献   
红薯营养价值高,具有较好的保健功能。本文分析了宜黄县红薯产业发展的比较优势及存在的主要问题,并提出了推进红薯产业发展的建议,以期为当地红薯产业发展提供参考。  相似文献   
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